Naloxone, brandname Narcan, is a nasal spray medication used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. Opioids (such as the prescription pain medication oxycodone or fentanyl) can stop breathing during an overdose. This can be fatal if not reversed.
Naloxone is easy to administer, causes no harm, and works immediately. We encourage our Rutgers community to pick up Narcan at the locations below and carry it with them in case of emergency.
Use the following steps and video to understand what to do and how to administer Narcan if you witness someone you think is experiencing an overdose
You can’t help if you’re not prepared
Where to get Narcan on Rutgers Campuses
Student Health & Wellness Center: Inside waiting room
Blumenthal Hall outside Student Health: Woodward Hall (link to 15 Washington St, Newark, NJ 07102)
New Brunswick:
Busch Student Center: Restrooms by the Multipurpose Room
College Ave Student Center: Lower level Atrium restrooms
Cook Student Center: Restrooms by front entrance
Douglass Student Center: (1) Women’s room by cafe. (2) Men’s room by Trayes Hall
Livingston Student Center: Restrooms across from the 107 classrooms
Student Health at RBHS Newark:
Addiction Resources for Students:
Alcohol and Drug Counseling (ADAP):
The Alcohol and Other Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) provides counseling and information for students who are concerned about their drinking or use of drugs, or those of a friend or family member.